Kyle Finnegan

Personal website for video professional, Kyle Finnegan.

Filmmaking driven by curiosity and empathy

Originally from the magical land where people don’t pump their own gas (New Jersey), I’m a documentary filmmaker and creative director living in Alexandria, VA. I started making videos as a kid and eventually tricked someone into letting me do it as a career. From the greatest discoveries in science to the crumbs under your couch cushions, I’ve learned there’s a story behind everything and filmmaking is the perfect way to uncover it.

I'm currently a creative director at 522 Productions where we’re working every day to make videos that drive change and inspire action. My work there was recognized with a TIVA Peer Award in 2022.

I received the Young Alumni Creative Development Award from George Mason University to support a short documentary about monosodium glutamate. Together with a team of talented storytellers, I explored the origin of MSG’s stigma and Chef Tim Ma’s fight to overcome it. It’s playing at film festivals across the country and is being distributed by GOOD DOCS.

On the weekends you can find me taking pictures, hiking, or yelling at the New York Yankees.